The KiE Resource Question repeatedly aligned the focus with the goal and required the experts to contribute their expertise to ensure success. The KiE Scale proved to be central to this, as it is universally applicable, produces 100% participation and automatically introduces agile values. The KiE tools were applied in workshops to call forth resources and establish commitments. „KiE-DecisionMaking can be used for any form of project work”, according to (@Norbert Reiling)
The theoretical basis was the KiE trilogy, the inseparability of emotions(E), intuition(i) and cognition(K). „The impressive experiments showed that there must be an emotion and a cognitive system, which both follow different logics”, summarized (@Elsa Graf). „Existing concepts were disassembled and put together in a new way so that familiar patterns took on a new meaning“, (@Michael Nietsch).

The deconstruction of concepts was intensive. „The KiE trilogy is a visionary view that needs to go out into the world”, (@André Nitzschmann). With the new view of the KiE trilogy, complex human behaviour can be easily explained. With the knowledge and skills acquired, projects were defined to integrate KiE into AI, to expand market economy cycles and to make social institutions more agile.
Februar 2020, Richard Graf und Elsa Graf
“After Libet and blind sight, it can no longer be denied that two decision-making systems work with different logics – the proof of the KiE trilogy”. RICHARD GRAF
GRAF, Richard. Die neue Entscheidungskultur: Mit gemeinsam getragenen Entscheidungen zum Erfolg. Carl Hanser Verlag München 2018.