s207 The explanation – in certain situations often comes to your mind

We use our intellect to explain, reason and justify our decisions with hindsight

Do you know that feeling when you are late for a meeting and you talk your head off about why this has happened to you and that you can’t really help it? That’s how our participants in the expert seminar Master of DecisionMaking felt, not only whenever they were late, but also when old concepts came up that demanded explanation, reasoning and justification.

The Explanation

We use our intellect to explain, to reason and to justify. Depending on our emotional disposition and our formed nePs (neuronal emotional programs), the emotional system triggers a movement impulse through which the cognitive system has to create a coherent world view. Our participants have referred to the creation of coherent worldviews and explanations using the phrase: “we were thought”.

Explanation, justification

The Free Un-will

John-Dylan Haynes’s extension of the Libet experiment to include Free Un-Will solidified the 2-System Theory and at the same time helped to locate the gate to Free Will.

The free Un-will

KiE-DecisionMaking processes in practice

The use of KiE-DecisionMaking-Tools – synonymous with decision making processes – as suitable for daily use for coping with individual and corporate challenges was practiced in the seminar and consolidated in workshops. The topics were introduced by the participants from their personal and professional environments.

The core tools for a jointly accepted rating, solution orientation, the conscious use of intuition as well as a common understanding and a prioritization and commitment process were demonstrated by the participants in front of the plenum.

The decision making tools

Agile transformation positioned

Transformation processes, especially the digital and agile ones, require transitions between the traditional and agile worlds. Decisions in these areas as well as between them must be made safely and promptly. In the workshop, the agile ceremonies (events) were identified with the KiE-DecisionMaking-Tools. 

Agile Transformation Reference

Certification as Master of DecisionMaking

To be certified as a Master of DecisionMaking, the experts referred to a phenomenon known as the Damásio experiment or blind sight, which they explained using the KiE trilogy. Each demonstrated how to use DecisionMaking processes in a group to bring about a jointly supported decision. The final step involves my own contribution on a project of my own choice in the context of decision management or the inseparability of emotions(E), intuition(i) and cognition(K). The contributions have been made available to the entire KiE community.

Equipped with the KiE-DecisionMaking tools as well as the basics on how the human decision process works, the participants will now be able to approach their projects with new knowledge and tools and to further develop and adapt KiE-DecisionMaking.

We are very much looking forward to the results.

Feedback from participants. The participants rated both the implementation and the benefits for practical work as “very good” and “excellent”.


More about the series Artificial Intelligence

More articles about artificial intelligence and how it can be extended with KiE can be found after the sources below at tag “Artificial Intelligence“.


März 2020, Richard Graf, Elsa Graf

We use our intellect to explain, reason and justify our decisions with hindsight.” Richard Graf


GRAF, Richard. Die neue Entscheidungskultur: Mit gemeinsam getragenen Entscheidungen zum Erfolg. Carl Hanser Verlag München 2018.

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