s223 Using DecisionMaking tools to produce decisions safely and timely

People as insecure decision makers need DecisionMaking tools to avoid being replaced by artificial intelligence

A good decision can thus be recognized at the time of the decision

Managers who are capable of acting as well as agile teams can transform different interests into jointly supported decisions. For this they need decision making tools that are aligned with the inseparability of emotion(E), intuition(i) and cognition(K), the KiE trilogy. It produces very different forms of decision-making.

Different forms of Decisions

Problem and solution originate from the same source

The incredible diversity of human decisions and the increasing decision-making dilemma with cognitive bias as well as irrational decisions have their origins in the KiE trilogy. If the functional parts of the KiE-trilogy are used and its dysfunctional parts avoided, it becomes a design guideline.

Problem and Solution comes from the same source

With KiE-DecisionMaking the multitude of entrepreneurial, social, societal, political and global decisions can be mastered.

Traditional forms of decision-making are not good enough

Neither authoritarian decisions nor decisions reached by consensus are suitable here. The consensus decision takes too long and is reduced to the lowest common ground. Conversely, even if an authoritarian decision is indeed the best, it is rarely jointly supported because there is no participation. For the minority, both the majority decision and participatory decisions are authoritarian decisions.

Jointly supported decisions

With the KiE tools, all participants are taken into account and their competences are brought to a jointly supported decision. The 100% participation with the KiE scale leads to decisions that are supported by all, thus creating the necessary commitment. The jointly supported decision is the superior form of decision that a process guidance needs in order to be brought about reliably and promptly. The result is a deep and broad agreement, equipped with the commitment for the implementation that follows.

KiE DecisionMaking Processes

The KiE-DecisionMaking-Tools – a synonym for decision-making processes – are tools suitable for everyday use to cope with individual as well as entrepreneurial challenges. The core tools consist of jointly accepted ratings, solution orientation and conscious intuition as well as a common understanding, prioritization and commitment. The number of participants who share a decision indicates a good decision during the DecisionMaking process itself.

DecisionMaking tools

The increased pace of digital transformation requires reliable DecisionMaking tools that enable executives and agile teams to make timely jointly supported decisions.

Agile Transformation

Transformation processes, especially the digital and agile ones, require transitions between the traditional and agile world. In traditional as well as in agile areas and between areas, decisions have to be made reliably and promptly.

Agile Transformation reference

More about the series of KiE-DecisionMaking Tools

Further articles about the different human decision forms can be found after the source below under tag „Article series KiE-DecisionMaking Tools“.

More about the series Artificial Intelligence

More articles about artificial intelligence and how it can be extended with KiE can be found after the sources below at tag “Artificial Intelligence“.


März 2020, Richard Graf, Elsa Graf

„People as insecure decision makers need DecisionMaking tools to avoid being replaced by artificial intelligence.” Richard Graf


GRAF, Richard. Die neue Entscheidungskultur: Mit gemeinsam getragenen Entscheidungen zum Erfolg. Carl Hanser Verlag München 2018.

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