The resource questions initiates a clear procedure that leads quickly to success. The parties involved are made aware of their duty to contribute to a solution. Instead of criticizing, highlighting the problem or engaging in root cause analyses, retrospect is avoided. Competence is stringently demanded of all participants and what it takes to achieve success quickly becomes clear.
The KiE resource question reads as follows, “what would be necessary to achieve the goal” and focuses exclusively on the solution. Causes and solutions are usually independent of each other. Thus, everyone is given clear process instructions, inviting and obliging those involved to contribute to a solution.
The resource question is an application of the KiE scale and KiE intuition. With the help of both, the resource question determines the current status with 100% participation, which is openly recognizable when the KiE cards are revealed or by the result of the DecisionMaker.
The localizing of the problem state lets everyone see to what extent a common goal can be achieved. Not referring to causes in the further DecisionMaking process, absence of explanations, reasoning and justifications, gives the resource question its high effectiveness.
Trust and commitment for all
Assessing the current status quo, initiates the necessary impulse in the emotion system, which activates a solution. The logic of the KiE scale predefines the target state (8), and further discussion about it becomes unnecessary. This immediately leads to the solution state where expert knowledge can be tapped. The necessary resources arise from existing knowledge and there is no need to convince the other participants.

Trust is placed in the individual and at the same time each participant is asked to outline a solution from his or her point of view. The result presented testifies to the seriousness and competence of all those involved and shows the extent to which the individual contributes to the achievement of the goal.
The resource question
All those who have competence are called upon to contribute to the solution. Particularly those with reservations know what is necessary to achieve a goal. Group competence is activated and directed towards reaching the goal.

The leading question should be adapted to the situation, the company’s diction and the business process. This question specifies the “who”, “what” and other relevant dimensions such as time.
The resource question can be safeguarded by means of a final KiE scale.

A new dimension of cooperation
Time is no longer lost on explanations, reasoning and justifications which, experience shows, lead to entanglements. The measures aimed at achieving the goal profit by the competence of the participants and encourage their cooperation. The full potential of all participants can be utilized.
The long-winded and cumbersome debate of the past can be overcome and a new dimension of cooperation becomes accessible to for everyone.
Agile values are implemented in the KiE resource question
In February of 2001, 17 independent experts met in Utah, in the USA, and formulated the agile manifesto. This document consists of four central theses and twelve principles from which the five agile values, namely openness, focus, eye-level, courage and commitment were derived. KiE-DecisionMaking extends these values to include “participation” as indispensable for cooperation at eye level.

The application of the KiE resource question creates commitment, clarity and appreciation, which ensures a pleasant atmosphere in the relationship between people and the achievement of goals. It is a relevant aspect of clear and decisive decision-making. The KiE Resource Question thus provides the necessary basis for agile methods which – together with the other KiE DecisionMaking Tools – stand for the success of the digital transfer.
What is the power of the resource question?
Problem orientation is a natural consequence of the construction of human decision systems. In the emotion system, fear is evolutionarily programmed to play a first role in time. The core function of the cognition system is to create a coherent world view from the emotions at work. If a measure is found to offer a coherent world view, which for example provides safety, the emotion system comes to a rest and action can be taken.
Feelings from emotions are unpleasant so as to force the individual to action. For a coherent world view, an explanation can also be created to substitute for movement. Usually these explanations are not especially valid, but they are always consistent with the emotions that are operating. This becomes particularly noticeable in the case of guilt. Instead of working toward balance, this movement is avoided with explanations, reasoning and justification. This does not mean that explanations are unimportant. However, as a substitute movement, they often generate unnecessary discussions, misunderstandings and entanglements if the emotions involved prove too strong.

Solution orientation therefore requires a clear process specification so that the individual and team do not get lost in the problem and its causes. KiE-DecisionMaking counteracts the evolutionary-biologically predetermined effect of the inseparability of emotions(E), intuition(i) and cognition(K), the KiE trilogy.

With the KiE resource question, a solution can easily be generated and found, as in the manufacturing process of cars or washing machines. Discussions are shortened by degrees and immediately useful measures are developed. This has shown to be of great benefit for any form of interaction in conversation, in meetings and in agile ceremonies.
More about the series of KiE-DecisionMaking Tools
Further articles about the different human decision forms can be found after the source below under tag „Article series KiE-DecisionMaking Tools“.
More about the series Artificial Intelligence
More articles about artificial intelligence and how it can be extended with KiE can be found after the sources below at tag “Artificial Intelligence“.
March 2020, Richard and Elsa
„Solution orientation requires clear processes that make everyone responsible for a common goal.” Richard Graf
GRAF, Richard. Die neue Entscheidungskultur: Mit gemeinsam getragenen Entscheidungen zum Erfolg. Carl Hanser Verlag München, 2018.
DE SHAZER, Steve. Worte waren ursprünglich Zauber, 1996
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