Making safe and timely decisions is possible with the KiE-DecisionMaker. People, teams or groups of any size as well as machines with AI can, in any given constellation, produce simple, complicated and complex decisions.
Today, messenger services such as WhatsApp and e-mail as well as social media such as Facebook and Twitter are used to communicate or make tactical decisions. The next developmental step will be that in a global digitalized world people will want to make decisions in their groups. Digitalized DecisionMaking will be at the heart of this transformation.
The existing rating services like TripAdvisor as well as survey tools like Survey Monkey or rating metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS) are only the first step to achieving what you want. Ratings make it difficult to see what is needed to make a decision, whether it is a purchasing decision, the improvement of a product or service, or the program of a democratic party.
Ratings and surveys are a one-way street that do not explain why something is good or what needs to be done to make it good. Experts and artificial intelligence try to analyze and explain later of a given outcome
Digitalized KiE-DecisionMaking is the way to use the available resources to bring about good decisions.
Traditional forms of decision-making are not good enough
Traditional forms of decision-making are insufficient, and their limitations ultimately disqualify them as unsuitable or only partially suitable for mastering today’s challenges in companies. Most are aware, in both the traditional and agile worlds, of the shortcomings of authoritarian decisions and how easily team decisions can get out of hand.

With the KiE-DecisionMaker delay, dilution and evasion are a matter of the past. The parties involved are made responsible to contribute their share to a solution. Instead of criticizing, highlighting the problem or engaging in root cause research, the retrospective view is replaced by working on the target. The resource question develops sustainable measures.
Success criteria
Predefined and simultaneously flexible and adaptable DecisionMaking processes as well as alignment with the human decision-making process are the mandatory prerequisites for digitized DecisionMaking.
The inseparability of emotions(E), intuition(i) and cognition(K), the KiE trilogy, requires the implementation of cyclical processes in which decisions are made.

Only with a standardized and accepted set of solid decision-making processes can decisions be made safely, on time and with ease. A safe and prompt decision can only be reached when all the participants have their say at the same time. The elimination of anchor-like effects, which would lead to unintended as well as intended tactical delays, must be ensured. At the same time, the processes must make everyone responsible so that the competencies of all are used for a jointly supported decision.

Target of the KiE-DecisionMaker
The KiE-DecisionMaker is a cloud service that is made available to all target groups. The bandwidth ranges from simple to complex decisions of almost any kind:
1. simple decisions are ratings, votings or surveys
2. complicated decisions are participatory and jointly supported decisions:
3. complex decisions are prioritizations and commitments in a global environment
Everyone can bring about decisions with everyone else: Global, local, remote, authoritarian and participatory as well as consensual and majority decisions and, above all, jointly supported decisions.
Minimally valuable product (MVP)
The DecisionMaker MVP represents the core of every decision: the evaluation. It precedes every decision and is used repeatedly for cognitive and intuitive decisions as well as for DecisionMaking processes.
As a second core function, the survey is offered in a fixed order. With the survey you get a first exploration and positioning of the given facts.
Starting the KiE-DecisionMaker
You can start the KiE-DecisionMaker with the link in the browser:
Information to Start KiE-DecisionMaker
The KiE-DecisionMaker is available as an MVP for free use.
Roles in the KiE-DecisionMaker
There are two roles in the KiE-DecisionMaker:
1. Master of KiE DecisionMaking (MoD) – leads the DecisionMaking process
2. Participant – takes part in the DecisionMaking process for the MVP; he submits his ratings and immediately receives the result
The Master of KiE-DecisionMaking can manage and execute DecisionMaking processes (DM-P). The MoD must authorize himself by e-mail and password. A DecisionMaking ID is created for each DecisionMaking process (DM-Id).
The participant attends DecisionMaking processes. He requires only the DecisionMaking ID (DM-Id) communicated to him by the MoD to participate.
No personal data is recorded or stored, with the exception of the e-mail from the Master of DecisionMaking for the sign-in. The participants are anonymous and no authentication or identification is required.
The KiE Scale, designed specifically for cognitive, intuitive and conscious DecisionMaking, is available for all forms of ratings. It is composed of three components:
1. leading question
2. scale type
3. scope of meaning:

DecisionMaking Process
DecisionMaking processes (DM-P) are structured into several ratings, which are performed using a KiE scale. The Master of DecisionMaking creates a DecisionMaking ID (DM-Id), which is used to register participants for participation in a DM process. The Master of DecisionMaking passes the DM-Id on to the participants on a channel of his choice.
Within a DecisionMaking-Id the individual ratings are identified with a Rating Id (R-Id). The MoD creates DM processes and can open or delete them.
Free DecisionMaking Process
The Master of DecisionMaking loads the KiE scales of his choice into the DecisionMaker. He can then offer the KiE scale to the participants in any order and repetition.
Example of a commitment process:

KiE Scales
A sub-set of KiE scales is supplied for the MVP. Individual KiE-Scales can be created by MoDs with an upload from Excel.
More to Load KiE-Scales
Result of a DecisionMaking process
The result is immediately made available online to all participants.

Surveys with DecisionMaking process
The Master of DecisionMaking can create surveys with unlimited KiE scales. The associated DecisionMaking process remains open until the MoD closes it. After that, the result is available to everyone under the DM-Id.
Test the DecisionMaker
You can use the MVP of the KiE-DecisionMaker and participate in an online survey. No identification is necessary nd no personal data will be recorded:
1. call up the KiE-DecisionMaker
2. enter the rating ID: 550-263
You can also participate in the dialogue here. We look forward to your feedback.
1. How important are good decisions for you?
2. How long are meetings and ceremonies in your area?
3. How high is the risk of lack of participation by remote employees?
4. How important is full participation for jointly supported decisions?
5. How safely and timely are decisions with 100% participation?
More about the series of KiE-DecisionMaking Tools
Further articles about the different human decision forms can be found after the source below under tag „Article series KiE-DecisionMaking Tools“.
More about the series Artificial Intelligence
More articles about artificial intelligence and how it can be extended with KiE can be found after the sources below at tag “Artificial Intelligence“.
Februar 2020, Richard Graf, Elsa Graf
„Next Generation – Digitalized DecisionMaking for all types of decisions.” Richard Graf
GRAF, Richard. Die neue Entscheidungskultur: Mit gemeinsam getragenen Entscheidungen zum Erfolg. Carl Hanser Verlag München 2018.
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