Whoever avoids the emotive impulse to balance with the unpleasant feeling from the emotion guilt, already commits another mistake. Not having done it well forces shame, which initiates a devil’s circle.
Any culture, like a culture of failures, is behavior of people and must follow the given emotive movements, otherwise it will never produce good results. Ignoring the effect of emotions leads to the fatal prevailing situations in companies and teams.
A functional failure culture first avoids or reduces imminent damage or compensates for it when it has occurred. This behavior is core to success for teams and leaders.
Emotion research provides a clear sequence and good effect for all:
- regulate your emotions
- then distinguish between effect (damage) and cause
- with Decision-Making Management (DMM) all participants can develop a common solution
- the solution starts with an appropriate compensation – often a: “I’m sorry” is enough
- only after that, learning can take place by processing all process steps
To manage failure culture with mental methods is risky
The emotive processes are chronological first, which is why mental method help so little and usually build up as a devil’s cycle.
The cognitive barriers can be successfully overcome with emotive methods. Emotive barriers are the movements of emotions, which are usually indicated as emotive feelings. Emotions as neural emotive programs (neP) initiated thoughts, which we then experienced as cognitive barriers.
Figure 1: To overcome guilt with mental methods are risky to initiate the devil´s cycle
Our research confirms that methods that are aligned with the inseparability of body, emotions, intuition and cognition (KiE) show much better results. Regulating of the arousal is the first step.
Error culture is behavior of people in a system. The behavior is controlled from the emotion system. Therefore, it makes sense to intervene in the emotion system.
September 2022, Richard Graf & Elsa Graf
“Use Decision-Making Management (DMM) aligned at the Inseparability of emotions, intuition and Cognition (KiE)”, Richard Graf.