Remote learning at a 100% level of participation with pleasure is possible. The core activity of leadership or any kind of cooperation is to bring about and implement decisions promptly and safely.
Managers and agile teams are facing growing challenges due to increasing time pressure and greater numbers of participants. To master these challenges, both managers and teams have to make decisions with people who have different skills, favor contradictory requirements and approaches and pursue different ways of thinking and goals.
Using practice-proven tools, the participants in the workshops were able to consolidate their new knowledge and transfer what they had learned to their business situation.
The seminar Master of DecisionMaking KM007 at the INeKO Institute of the University of Cologne was a great success. The KiE DecisionMaker allowed 100% participation, which led to a high level of learning success and much joy during the 4 days. The satisfaction of the participants was also reflected in their recommendation rate of 100%.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 100%
The NPS has undoubtedly become an important metric for measuring customer satisfaction worldwide. As one of the standard KiE Scales, the NPS was learned and in the end anonymously performed with the remote DecisionMaker. This eliminated any anchoring effects and influence from participants and trainers.
However, the Net Promoter Score does not suffice to find out what customers think about their brand and how loyal they are likely to be. The KiE Scale NPS uses the Resource Question to determine both the level of satisfaction and the resources needed to grow as a company geared toward customer needs. Both have been implemented in the digitized DecisionMaker and are available to everyone.
KiE Concept & Practice
DecisionMaking is hosted at the INeKO Institute at the University of Cologne as a one-day Practitioner Seminar for the Core DecisionMaking Processes. The four-day Master Seminar focuses on the advanced DecisionMaking Processes, such as the Prioritization- and Commitment Processes, as well as on workshops for integration into the respective business situations.
DecisionMaking provides every manager and decision makers with important practical and theoretical knowledge about the human brain and its DecisionMaking Processes. The basis for these processes is the inseparability of emotions, intuition and cognition, the KiE Trilogy.
Both the intuitive as well as the conscious and rational decisions serve as design guidelines for practice-proven DecisionMaking Processes. With this tool, managers and teams can confidently evaluate, prioritize and make decisions.
The KiE Concept brings the various decision phenomena into a coherent context. As a 2-system approach, the KiE Concept integrates both Systems1&2 by Daniel Kahneman.
The KiE Concept stringently explains various decision phenomena, such as Cognitive Biases. DecisionMaking Processes can be used to avoid the distortion of decisions.
DecisionMaking Processes
The INeKO seminars provide people with the DecisionMaking Processes and tools they need to bring about jointly supported decisions promptly and securely, individually and in teams. The innovative and sense-generating KiE DecisionMaking is the result of practice and was developed for practice. Nevertheless, the program is based in a comprehensive way on the latest scientific findings, which have been brought together in the KiE Concept in a way that is understandable for everyone.
The cyclical interaction of the two decision systems, emotional and cognitive, stands as the design guideline of all DecisionMaking Processes and tools.
Learning together with the KiE trilogy
The design and implementation of the seminars themselves are based on the KiE Concept. The Emotion System “learns” only through experience, in a certain emotional state. Flow was recognized by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi as the corridor between the individual’s being underchallenged and the area slightly below which the same individual becomes overchallenged. Demonstrations, interactive mini-demos, intense interactions, workshops, case studies, and requirements management have always been led within this flow area.
Collaborative learning is organized with DecisionMaking Processes and for remote collaboration with the DecisionMaker. The KiE Scale allows for the precise localization of the learned material for all participants and opens the opportunity to add targeted resources.
With the DecisionMaker everyone can see anonymously to what degree the group has already mastered the single topics. The gaps are gradually increased by means of the Quality Process.
The Master of DecisionMaking enables the participants to bring about jointly supported decisions. Through solid DecisionMaking Processes, the participants can enjoy new experiences, experience joint learning and can grow with pleasure as a team.
More information about the seminars
– Practitioner of DecisionMaking
– INeKO Institute at the University of Cologne
October 2020, Elsa Graf, Richard Graf
“I am confident that I can apply DecisionMaking in my company.“ Participant of the Master of DecisionMaking Seminar